This blog purely for my own amusement. I like to start the day with a quote, be it amusing, inspiration, or simply something that caught my fancy.

On occasion, I might also include some commentary on the day's crossword puzzle that is published in the Los Angeles Times.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

QOD:  Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.  ~  Jules Feiffer (né Jules Ralph Feiffer; b. Jan. 26, 1929), American cartoonist

A Horse is a Horse, of Course, of Course!  What color is your horse?

17-Across. French national observance: BASTILLE DAY.  Everything you wanted to know about a Bay Horse.

29-Across. Disastrous path: ROAD TO RUIN.  Everything you wanted to know about a Roan Horse.

46-Across. Start without hesitation: PLUNGE INTO.  Everything you wanted to know about a Pinto Horse.

And the unifier:

63-Across. Roughhouse, and a hint to each set of circles: HORSE AROUND.  The circles spell out different types of horses.

1. Smacked into: RAMMED.

7. Window framework: SASH.

Anatomy of a Window.

11. Cabernet, e.g.: RED.

14. 1998 PGA Player of the Year Mark: O'MEARA.  Mark Francis O'Meara (b. Jan. 13, 1957), is a professional golfer.

15. Snowman's smoke: PIPE.

16. Pitching stat: ERA.  As in Earned Run Average.

19. Objective: AIM.

20. Davis of "Dr. Dolittle": OSSIE.  Ossie Davis (né Raiford Chatman Davis; Dec. 18, 1917 ~ Feb. 4, 2005) was married to Ruby Dee.  He portrayed Grandpa Archer Dolittle in the 1998 film.

21. Pitcher sans arms: EWER.  Maybe this explains the difference between a Ewer and a Pitcher.

22. MLB semifinal: NLCS.  The penultimate round of the Major League Baseball games before the World Series games are National League Championship Series and the American League Championship Series.

23. Army NCO: SSGT.  As in Staff Sergeant.

25. Harold's "Ghostbusters" role: EGON.  Egon Spengler was one of the ghostbusters in the 1984 film of the same name.  He was portrayed by Harold Ramis (né Harold Allen Ranus; Nov. 21, 1944 ~ Feb, 24m 2014).

27. Humanities degs.: MAs.  As in Master of Arts degree.
34. PC take-out key: DELETE.

36. McCarthy lawyer Roy: COHN.  Roy Cohn (né Roy Marcus Cohn; Feb. 20, 1927 ~ Aug. 2, 1986) made his name as chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy (né Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Nov. 14, 1908 ~ May 2, 1957) during the Red Scare.

37. Longtime label for Elton: MCA.

38. Georgia airport code: ATL.  The Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is located in Atlanta, Georgia, hence, its ATL airport code.  Hi, ALTGranny!

39. Kind of lamp: HALOGEN.

41. Sitcom co-star of Betty and Estelle: BEA.  Bea Arthur (née Bernice Frankel; May 13, 1922 ~ Apr. 25, 2009), Betty White (née Betty Marion White; b. Jan. 17, 1922), and Estelle Getty (née Estelle Scher; July 25, 1923 ~ July 22, 2008) were three of the four stars of The Golden Girls.  I never watched this show, but Betty White just celebrated her 99th birthday.

42. Plan (out), as a route: MAP.

43. Computer operator: USER.

44. Collect copiously: RAKE IN.

49. West end?: -ERN.  As in Western.

50. Coarse file: RASP.

51. Burgundy brainstorm: IDÉE.  Today's French lesson.

53. Future junior: SOPH.  Today's Sophmore is Tomorrow's Junior in High School or in College.

55. Bit attachment: REIN.  This fits in well with today's theme.

58. Surrey town known for salts: EPSOM.  Epsom salts are a chemcal compound known as Magnesium Sulfate.  It is believed to have health benefits.

62. Moody genre: EMO.

65. "Fill 'er up" fluid: GAS.  I can't remember the last time I went to a full-service station.  I always have to fill up the gas tank myself.

66. Knock about: ROAM.

67. Rummages (through): RIFLES.

68. Cal.'s northern neighbor: ORE.  Oregon is north of California.

69. New newts: EFTs.  A crossword staple.

70. Turn down: REFUSE.

1. "__Cop": ROBO.  RoboCop was a 1987 Sci-Fi film.

2. Reddit Q&A sessions: AMAs.  Ask Me Anything.

3. Handle carelessly, with "with": MESS.

4. "La Danse" painter Henri: MATISSE.  Henri Matisse (né Henri Émile Benoît Matisse; Dec. 31, 1869 ~ Nov. 3, 1954) painted many versions of dancers.

5. Natives for whom a Great Lake is named: ERIES.  This makes me think of our friend, Abejo.

6. NFL's Cowboys, on scoreboards: DAL.  As in the Dallas Cowboys.

7. Gush forth: SPEW.

8. Adjutant: AIDE.

9. Eschew punishment, in an old saw: SPARE THE ROD.

10. "Listen up!": HEY!

11. Integer, e.g.: REAL NUMBER.

12. Clapton who sang "Layla": ERIC.  Eric Patrick Clapton (b. Mar. 30, 1945).

13. River blockers: DAMS.

18. Jared of "Dallas Buyers Club": LETO.  Jared Joseph Leto made an appearnace in the puzzle last Tuesday.

22. "__ any drop to drink": Coleridge: NOR.  "Water, Water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" is a line from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Oct. 21, 1772 ~ July 25, 1834).

24. Like fat-repellent cooking paper: GREASE PROOF.

26. Fixin' to: GONNA.  The first time I heard someone say "I'm fixin' to ...." I thought something was broken.

27. Copper or nickel: METAL.

28. Useful in many ways, as flour: ALL PURPOSE.

30. Some kind of a nut: ACORN.

31. Collie or cocker spaniel: DOG.

32. Strand at a ski lodge, say: ICE IN.  Sorry, Tin!

33. Indian bread: NAAN.  You, too, can make your own naan.

34. Like many cellars: DAMP.  Not too many houses have cellars in Louisiana.

35. Tough guys: THUGS.

40. Floral necklace: LEI.

45. Lawn warning: KEEP OFF!

That's one way to say it.

47. "Don't think so": NAH!

48. Utensil sticker: TINE.

52. À la King?: EERIE.  Think of the horror writer, Stephen King (né Stephen Edwin King; b. Sept. 21, 1947).  He was born in Portland, Maine and is a graduate of the University of Maine.  He was there several years before I attend, so we weren't classmates.

53. Utah lily: SEGO.  It is a pretty flower.

54. "A Jug of Wine ... " poet: OMAR.  Omar Khayyam (1048 ~ 1122) was a Persian mathematician, poet, philosopher and astronomer.

56. Q.E.D. word: ERAT.  Today's Latin Lesson.  QED is stands for the Latin phrase: Quod Erat Demonstrandum, which literally means "what was to be shown".

57. Doctrines: -ISMS.  

59. "Star Trek" helmsman: SULU.  Hi, Picard!

60. Change for a five: ONES.

61. Gds.: MDSE.  Goods and Merchandise.

63. Charlemagne's domain: Abbr.: HRE.  As in the Holy Roman Empire, which was neither Holy nor Roman.

64. LAX listing: ARR.  As in Arrival.

Here's the Grid:


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