This blog purely for my own amusement. I like to start the day with a quote, be it amusing, inspiration, or simply something that caught my fancy.

On occasion, I might also include some commentary on the day's crossword puzzle that is published in the Los Angeles Times.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today’s Theme: Changes in Attitude. The second word of each theme response is an action of change.

16. Some Den Boxes = CABLE CONVERTERS. People can convert from one religious belief to another. People are not, however, Cable Converters.

22. Hookups to Many Electronic Devices = POWER ADAPTORS. People can adapt to their environments. People are not, however, Power Adaptors.

35. Jacob Riis, et al. = SOCIAL REFORMERS. This clue actually refers to human action. Jacob Riis was a social reformer who tried to improve the conditions of the new immigrants to New York City in the 1800s. At first, I thought that perhaps Jacob Riis was a Dutch artist.

44. Currency Pros = MONEY CHANGERS. This clue also refers to human action.

55. Insurance Investigators = CLAIMS ADJUSTERS. There were a lot of Insurance Investigators and Claims Adjusters in Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina.


1. “The Facts of Life” Actress Charlotte = RAE. I never watch this show, but Charlotte Rae often appears in crosswords.

4. Swiftly = APACE. Not the first word that popped into my head.

9. Just ____: Minimal amount = A DAB. I wanted A Tad, and hey, two of the letters worked!

13. Dual-Purpose Room Shape = ELL. Why a dual purpose room?

15. Academy Freshman = PLEBE. Comes from the Roman for Plebian, who were the commoners.

19. Mimi’s “Mine” = A MOI.

20. Clown for the Camera = MUG.

21. Pounce On = LEAP AT. Something my cats would do.

25. Solar Wind Particle = ION.

26. “Alley ___” = OOP. Alley Oop is a comic strip character.

27. Yale or Harvard = IVY.

30. Form 1040 IDs = SSNS. Stands for Social Security Numbers. They are required on the Federal 1040 Tax Forms.

32. Hammer-Wielding God = THOR. Norse god of myth.

34. Gave the Boot = AXED.

38. Fruity Pastry = TART.

39. Community Word = OURS.

40. “Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you” speaker = YODA. From the “Star Wars” series. (Link)

41. Go Downhill Fast? = SKI. Nailed it!

42. Course Taught Bilingually: Abbr. = ESL. Stands for English as a Second Language. This is a common crossword response.

43. Dorothy Gale’s State: Abbr. = KAN. Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz” was from Kansas.

51. Card Carrier = MEMBER.

53. Sound from a Wowed Crowd = OOH. This clue feels like a filler clue.

54. Do In = SLAY. Kill could fit also, but slay immediately popped into my head.

58. Shrewd = CAGEY.

59. Helmsley dubbed “Queen of Mean” = LEONA.

60. Specks in la mer = ILES. A foreign reference to islands in the sea.

62. Op-ed Piece, e.g. = ESSAY.

63. Timeline Divs. = YRS. Timelines are often divided into Years.


1. Postgame Summary = RECAP.

2. Crockett’s Last Stand = ALAMO. Davy Crockett fought at the Alamo.

3. Be Rude in a Crowd = ELBOW. This was my favorite clue.

4. Enjoyed a Blue Plate Special = ATE.

5. Pellet Gobbler of Old Games = PAC MAN.

6. For All to Hear = ALOUD.

7. Line Dance = CONGA.

8. Lt. Holder = ENV. Abbreviation for Envelope.

9. Rite Site = Altar. I liked this clue. Lots of religious rites, including marriages, occur at altars.

10. Threw Overboard = DEEP SIXED.

11. ____ Kadabra: Foe of the Flash = ABRA. I am not familiar with the comic strip character “The Flash” but the fill was an easy guess after reading the enemy’s surname.

12. Blue Ribbon-Worthy = BEST.

15. Before Surgery, Briefly = PRE-OP.

17. What to do After Making Your Metaphorical Bed = LIE IN IT.

18. Corrida Combatant = EL TORO.

23. Parks in ‘50s News = ROSA. When Rosa Parks died, she received a state funeral. She was a true heroine in the Civil Rights movement. She refused to give up her seat on a bus.

24. Vanishing Sounds = POOFS.

28. Designer Wang = VERA. I think of her as a designer of beautiful wedding gowns.

29. Gridiron Gains: Abbr. = YDS. Stands for Yards.

30. Overcharge, Slangily = SOAK.

31. Practice Grid Game = SCRIMMAGE.

32. With Sincerity = TRULY.

33. Part of H.R.H. – HER. Her Royal Highness. Queen Elizabeth of English would be referred to as HRH.

34. Surrounded By = AMONGST.

35. Oft-Numbered Rts. = STS. Stands for Streets. Who knew?

36. They Aren’t Champs = LOSERS. Like the kids in GLEE.

37. “You’ve Got Mail” Co-star = RYAN. The movie starred Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.

42. Bad Guy = ENEMY. I don’t really think of an enemy being necessarily a bad guy.

43. Island VIP = KAHUNA. Hawaiian term ~ the Big Kahuna.

45. Big Apple Awards = OBIES. These are the Off-Broadway theater awards.

46. Cryptographers’ Creations = CODES.

47. Orange-roofed Eateries, for Short = HOJOS. Short for Howard Johnson’s. Howard Johnson’s was both a restaurant and a hotel chain. It was famous for its fried clams and its wide variety of ice cream flavors.

48. Poem of Lament = ELEGY.

49. Not as Easy to Come By = RARER.

50. Handicappers’ Methods: Abbr. = SYSTS. Stands for Systems. This refers to gambling, which is illegal in Louisiana, so we call it “gaming.”

51. 13th Century Date = MCCI. Or, 1201 in a more common usage.

52. Airline to Tel Aviv = EL AL. A common crossword fill.

56. Pub Pint = ALE.

57. “Come to think of it …” = SAY. I got this through the perps.

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